The Early Sessions For 2024
20th February - Getting Your Photo Ready To Print - David Jellie AFIAP
5th March - Lightroom Editing -Ele Watts CPAGB
19th March - Creative Photography and Editing - Jenny Webster GMPSA EFIAP/G DPAGB SPSA BPE5* ARPS
2nd April - Rebekah Nash QPSA BPE1*
9th April - The Influence of Art on my Photography - Colin Close CPAGB LRPS
30th April - "Something For Everybody" Tony Gervis FRPS
These sessions are aimed primarily at those starting in photography and for those who want to expand their existing basic knowledge, although all are welcome. We start at 7 pm on the stage area and finish approximately 7.45 pm for the start of the main programme. This programme is flexible and may change if a particular subject needs covering.