This, That and the Other

Hi All,

Well it’s difficult to establish if our new temporary venue at Avoncroft Museum worked or not as last week being a Studio evening is always chaotic even at the best of times.  However before moving on to this coming week I would like to thank Colin Close, Don Campbell, Tony Frier, Linda Allen and David Jellie who turned up early, cleared the room and set up the lights and backgrounds in unfamiliar surroundings so we could start pretty much on time, and of course those who helped tidy up. Those stairs are steep and seem to get steeper the more times you go up them and what with the toilets at the bottom it might be best to avoid too many refreshment time drinks.

Taking our lights outside in the dark around the old Telephone Boxes was a first and produced some challenges mainly due to light reflection from the glossy paintwork. Still something different. Another ‘thank you’ to the models Lydia and Sweeney who worked hard to give us some interesting images, I hope you all got some that you are pleased with. Part of the deal we have with models is that members send them a small selection from what they have taken, the email addresses are: and This is not an obligatory condition but a courtesy, a way of saying thank you. Also I have put a couple of mine up on our group facebook page, how about a few more from other members

This coming Tuesday is a presentation by our own member Tony Gervis FRPS on photography taken around the USA where he has particularly established himself within the Rodeo Community and being privileged to be made an Honorary Member of the Cody Rodeo Gold Buckle Club. His Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society was achieved with images taken in the amazing Slot Canyons of Utah, Arizona or Nevada so prepare to be blown away with some remarkable images and equally fascinating stories. Timing is tight so we start as soon as we can, have a minimal break time and we might possibly go over a few minutes, but all worth it.

This Tuesday is also handing in for our first Print Competition of the season. There are two sections Mono and Nature and you can put up to three prints into either or both sections, maximum size 20 x 16 inches including mount board. Also can you please send or attach a digital version of the Print for Nigel, our Competition Secretary, for enlarged projection so that those at the back of the room during the competition can see what the judge is talking about on the Print Easel.  

Whilst mentioning Competitions the closing date for the Guernsey Salon ( is the 25th of October but don’t leave it till the last minute as they don’t take online entries so you have to send entries on CD or Memory stick.  A nice touch for those members bent towards portraits  amongst us is that they  separate colour and mono into either Open or Portrait sections. The cost is also reasonable, just £5 per section of up to four images per section.

We have a Committee Meeting coming up on Monday 15th October and although we have much to discuss if any one wants to offer topics for consideration please let me know before 12th October when the agenda will be put together

There is no early group (7.00-7.45 pm) meeting this Tuesday.

Hope to see you Tuesday still at our temporary venue in the Long room, Avoncroft Museum.

Best wishes,

Roger L


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