Hi All,
What a relief, Tuesday’s Bill Chambers Memorial Lecture went far better than thought possible. We had a great turn-out by members, thank you for the support, we had good visitor numbers, thank you David Jellie who did the promotion and we had a tremendous guest speaker in Adrian Almond, thank you Jan Harris, a brilliant booking. We even had a very well supported raffle.
We try and do something extra special at least once a year and with Adrian Almond we did just that. I don’t know about you but I was spell bound, totally absorbed by the beauty and artistry of his images whilst sitting on the edge of my seat not knowing what to expect next. Adrian covered so many genres, incredible landscapes, intriguing travel, stunning nature then out of the blue dramatic military aircraft and even finishing off with some emotive steam trains, we certainly got value. What I particularly liked was his habit of very quickly flicking through some frames just giving a glimpse, a tease, but leaving you wanting more. Please Jan, a return visit PLEASE.
If you liked what you saw please leave him a comment on his website just click on “Guest Book” https://www.adrianalmondphotography.com/
This week we have the second of our hotly contested PDI monthly competitions, good luck on being placed, although in my opinion the main benefit is the critique on how to improve or at least that’s what I tell myself as my work is passed by, NEXT! The early group 7.00 pm is my turn which after Tony Gervis is going to be a hard act to follow, however I will try and the topic is Photoshop Elements.
We really do seem to have a lot of shy members, I am of course referring to providing a few images from our last model night with Lydia and Sweeney. For the less experienced you may be thinking “are mine good enough?”, well, I can pretty much guarantee the models will be delighted to receive them no matter how you judge them. For the more experienced you have no excuse so get off your bum’s, play the game and send a couple through (just asking nicely). Thank you to those who have already sent photos and although we do pay the models, the photos sent are often more valued.
I have so far received a couple of photos for the Christmas Tree project but need a lot more, please see my email from yesterday, so don’t be shy and please get involved, you know it will make you feel good.
Several members went to an advisory day at Smethwick PS last weekend for future PAGB distinctions and all got positive comments so we are hopeful for a few more ‘distinguished’ members to be added to our ranks next year.
Finally I am reliably informed that the kitchen will be available on Tuesday so tea and coffee will be available (fingers crossed).
Hope to see you Tuesday.
Best wishes.
Roger L