26/05/2020 Vocal Point

Hi all

To the best of my knowledge, our AGM on Zoom is the best-attended AGM that this society has had. We had 46 members logged on at the beginning – and 44 at the end. Thank you to you all for your support last week and also over the whole year.

This week we have the return of David Keep presenting on underwater photography From Swimming Pools to Shark. David’s previous talk on Sports photography was one of the best that we have had this year. I’m definitely looking forward to tomorrow night.

Next week we will be having our online version of our Awards night. More information will follow in due course.

Don’t forget you still have two weeks to prepare your work for our “Panel” presentation. We need three images with some connection e.g. style of photography, subject theme or telling a story. Not a competition as such, just a bit of fun.

See you all tomorrow.


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