Yes, I know I said that last week’s Vocal Point would be the last of 2020 – but this is so exciting it needs to be shared. I realise that a lot of you will already be aware of this through Facebook, but not everyone uses social media.
We have made the front page of the Bromsgrove Standard with our High Street display of our work. The latest edition can be picked up free from the local supermarkets and other outlets. I have also attached some images of the event – one from the Standard and the remainder from my own camera. There is also a list of the images and authors who feature – a wide range of members, and I thank you all for your contributions.
Special thanks must go to Linda for sourcing the location and Anne for getting us this excellent publicity – as well as to the members who helped set up the display. We have helped brighten up the High Street at a particularly difficult time.
If you cannot get to the High Street to see the display, or store to get a copy of the newspapers, then they can be viewed online as follows –
2021 can only be an improvement on 2020, but I have no doubt that Bromsgrove Photographic Society will go from strength to strength in the months and years ahead.
A Merry Christmas, a Happy and above all Healthy New Year to you all.
High Street Shop Display December 2020
Faye Linda Allen
Bumble Bee on Lavendar Richard Chapman
Marmalade Hover Fly on Ragwort Richard Chapman
Assertive Colin Close
Workout Colin Close
Washday John Davison
Pots John Davison
Golfinch Eating Forget-me-not Seeds Janice Godwin
Robin on Milk Bottle Janice Godwin
Red Squirrel Jan Godwin
Poppy Barry Green
Grass Snake Barry Green
Robin in Winter Julie Hall
Female Kestrel Looking Left Julie Hall
Vietnamese Travel Jan Harris
The Quirang Jan Harris
Steps Tony Hawksbee
Golden Scalycap David Jellie
Shelter from the Storm David Jellie
Classic Morris 8 Anne Galbraith-Jellie
Furry Flower Rebekah Nash
Adoration Liz Perrins
Her Master’s Voice Ele Rae
Frankie Ele Rae
Colour Wheel Ruth Seadon
No. 39 in Front Paul Smith
Ashness Pier Nick Veale
Hayden Sue Vernon
Apache Attack Sue Vernon
Gentoo Penguins David Ward
King Penguin Chorus David Ward
Grey Wolves Bonding Jenny Webster
Red Squirrel Foraging in the Rain Jenny Webster