Hi all
Lockdown continues, but it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. I have had such good feedback from our Caption/Title night last Tuesday. Everyone who took part seemed to enjoy it – possibly the fact that things didn’t run smoothly added to the hilarity. Well done Jan for the original idea and putting it together.
This week we are back to the serious subject of club competitions – we have our Monthly PDI – Mono and Nature – judged by Roger Evans MPAGB FBPE EFIAP/g. We have a strong entry – including images from 11 Novice members. Most of you will have noticed that the quality of entries from our members is increasing all the time. It’s fair to say that even if you haven’t entered into our monthly competitions, you will still learn a lot from seeing what our members have entered and the critique from the judge on the night. Good luck to all who have entered.
There is no early session this week, so I will see you all at 8-00pm on Tuesday.
Best wishes