14/03/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the PDI set subject competition “Frames” last Tuesday. As ever, the standard of photography was high with a wide range of interpretation of the subject matter.

Also, congratulations to seven members who had acceptances at Basingstoke CC National open with a total of 22 images being accepted. Congratulations to Jenny and Colin who each had 8 acceptances at Donegal International – Colin also achieved a Gold Medal and Highly Commended

As a society we have a strong presence in National and International competitions, but we have always sought to encourage new and less experienced members to develop their skills. Our Roger Lewis Foundation Course has been very popular on Zoom, however, the support that we have been able to offer has been limited through lockdown compared to previous years. Hopefully, we can improve on this in the not too distant future, If circumstances permit, our summer outings will allow some of our more experienced members to offer mentoring to anyone who would seek advice. Looking forward to the new season in September, we aim to return to our meetings at Avoncroft where we will be holding practical early sessions, studio and practical evenings. At this stage, nothing is guaranteed but we can have some optimism that “normality” will return.

Our meeting this Tuesday promises to be special. The presenter will be Tony Worobiec with “The Water’s Edge” – mainly coastal Britain I believe. Tony has also published many books and his images also appear on the cover of many novels – including international authors such as Dean Koontz. It is well worth having a look at his web site before Tuesday https://www.tonyworobieccom

See you all then

Best wishes
