Well, that will teach me to pay more attention in committee meetings! How did I end up as chair?
First off, thanks to Ele for the great job she has done as chair for the last two years. I know from past experience it can be a very demanding role, and she had quite a few challenges to deal with during that time. Do I get a camper van at the end of my stint as chair too?
Thanks to all that attended the AGM last week – I know they aren’t necessarily that exciting, but the fact that over half the membership turns up to an AGM is a sign of how much people care about the club, and the committee are grateful for the support it shows.
Speaking of the committee, welcome to our three new committee members, Al Haden, Dug Holloway and Kay Wroe, and a sincere thank you to the retiring committee members Barry Green, Beks Nash, and Ian Bowes.
Tuesday night is our awards ceremony – hopefully everyone that is attending has remembered to book their place and advise on their preferred choice of dessert. Setup will start at 6:15 and the main event starts at 7:30. There will be a raffle with exciting prizes including a wellbeing treatment voucher and a fruit hamper in a picnic basket, so remember to bring some change.
The awards night is the evening of our regular season – no more Tuesday nights at the club until September. But we have put together an exciting summer programme of events, out and about all over the surrounding area. Details are on the website, and we hope to continue to add events as the summer goes on.
That’s all for now – see you on Tuesday
Richard Chapman
Chair, Bromsgrove Photographic Society