23.06.2024 Vocal Point

I was sad to miss the trip to the motocross yesterday due to prior engagements, but judging by the pictures I have seen from club members on Facebook it looks like it was another successful outing – thanks to Jan and Steve for organizing it! And no rain this time…

The next outing on the BPS summer programme is the Dog Agility evening on Wednesday – places are limited (last I heard there was still one place left) so please contact Ele ASAP if you are interested in attending. Those that have already signed up should have received instructions from Ele about where to be when…

Following that, on Saturday 29th Tony G has organized a trip to Lichfield cathedral – he has sent out details previously, and will hopefully send final details nearer the time. It should be an interesting day.

The full current list of outings is on the website, and Dug’s combined list has been updated regularly. I have attached below the latest version I have.

That’s all for now…

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