08.09.2024 Vocal Point

A most enjoyable night last Tuesday, back at Avoncroft after the summer break. Good to see so many familiar faces, but also to see some new ones who had come to check us out. I know that at least 3 new members signed up on the night, so welcome to anyone reading this newsletter for the first time!

Coming up this Tuesday September 10th we have what is billed as a “Question and Answer evening”, where we will aim to answer anything members could possibly want to know about the upcoming season. In particular, given the change to new competition software “Pixoroo” for this season we are anticipating that there may be a number of questions relating to that, and what changes it means for the picture entry process. Nick V will be on hand to cover all queries.

As Nick reported last week, the first PDI competition of the season is now open for entries. There’s still another week before entries close, but it might be a good idea to have a go at submitting something ahead of Tuesday’s meeting so that if there are any issues, Nick can deal with them. You can always update your entries (up until the 17th) if you decide you have better images available.

This Tuesday will also see the first early session of the new season, which will be run by David and Nick and is titled “Entering club competitions and Pixoroo”

There will also be a sales table, where you can buy (or sell – with a 15% commission to club funds) surplus photography-related gear. As if that was not enough incentive to bring some cash with you, there’s also the first raffle of the year (prize to be announced), plus you’ll need £1 for tea or coffee.

Those of you that were here last week will remember that the parking situation was a bit chaotic – this was partly due to there being another society meeting in one of the other rooms on site. We don’t know whether this is likely to be a recurring situation, but we have been investigating whether we can get access to the overflow car park (owned by the school) adjacent to the site, as we did in the past. In the meantime, please do what you can to mitigate any parking issues by sharing rides where practical, parking carefully to maximise use of the available space, and being patient if you find yourself blocked in.

Finally, a reminder that membership fees for the new season are now due, and that only paid-up members will be able to enter photos in the upcoming PDI competition.


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