I hope everyone has survived the latest storm – not the best weather for getting out taking photographs, though I dare say some would disagree. If you HAVE been out taking photos of the storm – especially at the coast – please remember to stay safe!
Last week’s knockout competition was a lot of fun – and a good reminder that you don’t need the latest fancy camera equipment to take a great photo. Most modern phones are amazingly capable as cameras too, and I was surprised at just how easy it was to also follow the rule about having to edit on the phone too. I nearly didn’t bother editing one of my photos because I thought it would be a pain, but it really wasn’t – one click and all the verticals were vertical…
Congratulations to Sarah for winning, but also to everyone that entered – there were some great pictures. It’s the nature of a knockout competition that even great pictures can go out in the early rounds if they come up against another strong photo – and I’m not just saying that because both of my entries were knocked out by the eventual winner.
Speaking of competitions, the closing date for the final PDI competition of the year is rapidly approaching – your nature and mono entries need to be submitted by Tuesday. Please take note of Nick’s instructions regarding the number of entries and other rules.
Also speaking of competitions, can I please make a request that audience members refrain from voicing their own comments on the pictures being presented while the competition is in progress. It can be very distracting and annoying for the rest of the audience, as well as disrespectful to the judge. Please save your comments for the tea break or the end of the evening.
This coming Tuesday we have a presentation from Monica Doshi CPAGB DPAGB entitled “Monica on Tour”. Monica is an award-winning photographer with images from the UK and around the world – mostly but not exclusively wildlife. Should be a good evening.
I have had a request/suggestion/question from one member regarding the possibility of borrowing lenses from other members for specific projects. I’ve always been happy to lend my own photographic equipment to members that may want to try a lens before they buy it, or need a specific lens for an upcoming project (e.g. a studio shoot), so long as it’s something that I own and that I am not needing myself at the time. I wonder if there are other members willing to make similar offers (as – contrary to popular belief – there are SOME cameras and lenses that I don’t own)?
Finally, remember to get your meal choices (and your £10) handed in by December 17th if you want to come to the New Year’s Party on January 7th.
That’s it for now.