16.03.2025 Vocal Point

Unfortunately I missed last week’s meeting due to illness – I hope it went well and everyone enjoyed it. I expect to see lots of pictures of horses in next year’s competitions!

This week we have another early session from Jenny, this time on how to gain photographic distinctions. In case any newer members are not aware of what that means, she will be talking about how you set about being recognised by one of the various national (or international) photographic societies that award such distinctions, and thus get the right to put those letters after your name that you may have seen some members using in the club competitions.

The main session this week is a AV presentation of the MCPF travelling portfolio – this is a selection of accepted images from the Photofolio Exhibition, so some of the best images from some of the top clubs in the Midlands.

You should have seen an email from Ele about the awards night – please let her know if you are planning to attend and what your catering selection is so that we can start planning. The awards night is the finale of the BPS year, where we celebrate the achievements of our members and look back at some of the images that have been successful in club competitions.

I think that’s all the news I have this week – look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.


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