Author name: David Jellie

19.03.2023 Vocal Point

Dear All How is it Sunday again and my watch pinging to tell me to write Vocal Point ? Has someone stolen some days out of my week again ?? What a fab model Emma was on Tuesday , not sure where the grumpy cowboy was this week ? Please do send her some images […]

19.03.2023 Vocal Point Read More »

12.03.2023 Vocal Point

Morning to all of you- Tuesday night was saved by Peter Gennard stepping in to the breach very last minute and an entertaining last print competition was had . For those of you who weren’t there Tuesday  we had a card to sign for Beks who has been very ill ,she is now home from

12.03.2023 Vocal Point Read More »

04.03.2023 Vocal Point

Dear All A bit early this weekend as I am off away . After an a busy week last week and another successful interclub we look forward to our 4th print competition on Tuesday with judge Dave Tucker . I hope he will look at the prints from different angles ! I look forward to

04.03.2023 Vocal Point Read More »

26.02.2023 Vocal Point

Good Morning , I am goggle eyed from editing, printing and mounting 6 prints ready for Tuesday -note to self -Plan Ahead ! But it comes around so quickly doesn’t it ? Handing in for the print competition is Tuesday evening , which is Studio Night –Two models for this Tuesday.Emma Victoria Louise will be first

26.02.2023 Vocal Point Read More »

19.02.2023 Vocal Point

Dear All, This will be the last week the display in the library is on , please do try to pop in to support it and admire our work . This Tuesday brings a 7pm class with Tony Gervis will I can assure you will be an entertaining presentation. This is followed by Verity Milligan

19.02.2023 Vocal Point Read More »

12.02.2023 Vocal Point

Morning , Can’t believe it is Sunday again. I am in a haze of dust with workmen in the house but have managed to get out with my camera a bit . It’s all about making the effort ! And well worth it when you do . Tuesday was fabulous ,and it is so great

12.02.2023 Vocal Point Read More »

05.02.2023 Vocal Point

A very good morning to you all , Sunny but chilly ,perfect for a wander out with your camera . Or to sit and enter the PDI which closes on Tuesday evening ,with the subject of Ugly (no comment please Tony G). This Tuesday brings us not quite the Six Nations ,but it is the

05.02.2023 Vocal Point Read More »

29.01.2023 Vocal Point

Good Morning members , A very busy and long morning yesterday – Anne ,David,Tony H,Dennis ,Ian and myself gathered at the library to put the display of prints up. We have this great Town Centre space for a whole month .The display looks amazing and represents all genres of photography and styles of work .

29.01.2023 Vocal Point Read More »

22.01.2023 Vocal Point

Dear All I think we are all still on a high from the excitement on Tuesday . Well this Tuesday should be as exciting with David Jellie on at 7pm , with the effects of lighting and lighting techniques . Light being the key factor in our photography this should prove to be very interesting

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15.01.2023 Vocal Point

A very nice chilly bright morning ,perfect for a walk in the woods . This Tuesday is our very first Bromsgrove Challenge Cup, we will be welcoming members from Hagley, Kempsey, Redditch and Solihull Photographic Societies. With our judge Louise Hill and plenty of excellent images to view, it promises to be an enjoyable evening

15.01.2023 Vocal Point Read More »

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