Author name: Tony Hawksbee

05/07/2020 Vocal Point

Hi all This coming Tuesday we will be running an interactive Zoom meeting on photo-editing. Technology permitting, we plan to run demonstrations on 4 types of software during the evening – Photoshop (Colin Close) Photoshop Elements (Ruth Seadon) Lightroom (Richard Chapman) Affinity Photo (David Jellie) During the first half, we will demonstrate each software covering […]

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21/06/2020 Vocal Point

Hi all Yet again we had a very successful and entertaining Zoom meeting last Tuesday. Jenny allowed us to act as judges in giving our critique of her catalogue of images – which she will now whittle down into her MPAGB entry. It was interesting to hear the range of advice and feedback on offer.

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15/06/2020 Vocal Point

Hi all I for one, really enjoyed the Panel of Three competition last Tuesday, when we got a chance to show what we have been doing during lockdown. Not only were the images inspiring, but we also benefitted from members interacting, offering advice and constructive criticism. I’m sure most of us took something positive away from that evening. I’m

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09/06/2020 Vocal Point

Hi all Lockdown continues but our Society goes from strength to strength. Well done to everyone who featured in our awards night last week. The images on display show the depth of quality that we have now. Many thanks to Nigel for the work he put into making it such a successful evening. This week

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02/06/2020 Vocal Point

Hi all This week’s Vocal Point is all about giving, so I will start by giving you good news. Robin Potticary has had an image shortlisted for the Landscape Photographer of the Year award – results to be announced in the Autumn. Robin submitted 8 images, but hasn’t been told which one has been shortlisted. I

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26/05/2020 Vocal Point

Hi all To the best of my knowledge, our AGM on Zoom is the best-attended AGM that this society has had. We had 46 members logged on at the beginning – and 44 at the end. Thank you to you all for your support last week and also over the whole year. This week we

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18/5/2020 Vocal Point

Hi all There are not many meetings left in our current season, so now is the time to look ahead. Tuesday of next week we have the return of David Keep. 53 of you enjoyed his presentation via Zoom on sports photography recently and we had the most positive feedback of any presentation this year.

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11/05/2020 Vocal Point

Hi season is drawing to a halt, but the good stuff just keeps on coming. The Annual PDI competition last week produced a very high standard of entry across the board. Congratulations to our award winners. I’m sure you can all agree that the standard of work has risen significantly over the course of our

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4/5/2020 Vocal Point

Hi all Once again, I am pleased to report that last week’s meeting with David Boag was a massive success. We seem to have mastered using Zoom for our virtual meetings – this time we had 51 members “attending” for what was an entertaining meeting on Nature and Wildlife photography. David had a background dating

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Vocal Point 26/04/2020

Hi all Many of you will be aware of this already, but our newer members may not be familiar with all of our recent history. It is now a year since we lost our Chairman Roger Lewis and his wife Gail in a tragic accident. Gail and Roger worked hard in the previous 3 years to

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