Author name: Tony Hawksbee

19/12/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all The coronavirus lexicon continues to expand. We started learning about Coronavirus (or did Covid 19 come first), last Christmas everyone was worried about the Delta variant and now it is Omicron. If the rumours this weekend are correct, there is every chance that there will be a ban on indoor meetings after Christmas. […]

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12/12/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all There are just 2 meetings left now in 2021. It has been a challenging but successful year, however, there is a certain sense of deja vu as Covid is still very much to the fore. This week is a practical night and will be presented by Terry Livesey LRPS. You will remember that Terry judged

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05/12/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all I just back from a very enjoyable and tiring weekend on the North Devon coast. One of my aims had been to practice some long-exposure photography on water movement. A lovely idea that didn’t factor in gale force winds we experienced – impossible to keep the tripod still – best-laid plans and all

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28/11/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Our studio nights are always a great chance to socialise with other members whilst practicing your studio photography skills. Last Tuesday was one of the best. Our main set model was Chris Russell – a wood whittler. Chris has a face full of character and his friendly, relaxed manner gave us all an

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21/11/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Last Tuesday’smeeting was certainly a treat for us all, with Peter Young giving us an insight into the selection process for the Welsh International Salon 2021. We had a chance to see many top class images accompanied by Peter’s unique and humorous overview of the judging process.  This week we have our next Model

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14/11/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Congratulations to everyone who did well in the 2nd PDI Competition last week, judged by Van Greaves. As ever, the standard was very high. It was also very encouraging to see such a high number of entries into the Novice Nature section. Well done everyone. Yesterday, we participated in the Cwm Rhondda Battle

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08/11/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all A quick question – what do Wales, England, Malta, Scotland, Ireland, USA, Canada, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, and Bromsgrove Photographic Society have in common. Well, we are all participating in the Cwm Rhondda challenge – a 26 club international photographic competition – on Saturday 13 November at 3-00pm. This will be the

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31/10/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all What a great time of year for taking photos – if you can dodge the heavy rain. It’s a timely reminder that Weather is one of our set subjects for this year – the ever-changing conditions at this time are perfect for getting dramatic shots. The Autumn colours are coming to their best

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24/10/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Congratulations to everyone who had success in last week’s ist Print Competition. As usual, the competition was fierce with a high standard of entry. It was also great to see a large number of novices taking part with some new names on the successful images. The overall entry was lower than some in

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17/10/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Last Tuesday we were treated to our homegrown talent with presentations by Richard Chapman, Colin Close and Tony Gervis. It was a night to inspire us to try out new ideas. Alternatively, new could mean old, with ideas on how to use classic lenses from the analog days. If you didn’t get a

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