Author name: Tony Hawksbee

10/10/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Well, we promised you something different for our first studio night of the year, and I’m sure you’ll agree that we delivered. The kickboxers put on a great show for us with plenty of opportunity for action shots and more static portrait-type images. As usual, this was a well supported night. As a result, […]

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04/10/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Well done to everyone who entered our first PDI competition of the year last week. The standard was incredibly high in both Novice and Open sections. Our judge – Michael Krier – was fair and helpful with his critique. He really had a tough job picking out what were the best images in his

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27/09/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Last Tuesday’s meeting went really well. Practical nights are always a challenge and this one was no exception, but it was a good blend of hands-on and educational items. It was also the perfect opportunity to get to know our newer members and guests a little better. If you have any ideas for

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19/09/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Last week we were entertained by Hunter Kennedy showing us a mix of images – old and new – on a wide range of topics. Unfortunately, we did suffer from broadband gremlins and had a few interruptions to the proceedings. Despite that it was a very enjoyable night. This week we will have our

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12/09/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Welcome to our new members and visitors who are trying Bromsgrove Photographic Society for the first time. I hope that your experience is a pleasant one. You are receiving this email as you have given us your email address to receive information from the society.  This is a very fluid time for our

12/09/2021 Vocal Point Read More »

05/09/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Well, we certainly started the new season with a bang last week. Our Open Evening was very well attended and there was a real buzz in the room. Even better, we had nine guests attend who had a very strong interest in Bromsgrove Photographic Society. We seem certain to pick up some new members

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22/08/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Excuse my brevity, but I am in a state of very pleasant weariness – an excellent family camp weekend in Pembrokeshire followed by the usual Bank Holiday journey on the return. It’s a big night this Tuesday, when we return to Avoncroft Arts Centre after nearly 18 months. It’s a chance to reacquaint yourself with everything

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22/08/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all We held our High Street promotion in Bromsgrove Market on a very soggy Saturday. Understandably, footfall was light on the ground but we had several members of the public who showed great interest in our Society. I have no doubt that we will see a number of new faces at our Open Evening.

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15/08/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all This is an exciting time of the year for Bromsgrove Ps. There is so much happening at the minute. Our new season will get started on 31 August with an Open Night. We are actively making our final decisions as to how our meetings will operate at Avoncroft under coronavirus conditions, and as

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08/08/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all We are rapidly approaching the start of our new season. The overall coronavirus situation continues to improve and – barring any unforeseen circumstances – we are aiming to return to Avoncroft for our meetings. We will be taking all necessary steps to ensure that members feel comfortable with returning to the hall. In addition, we

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