Author name: Tony Hawksbee

25/07/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all We had a very successful Tuesday night at Hanbury Church last Tuesday. Most of the graveyard had been allowed to grow wild with grasses and wildflowers. There was an abundance of butterflies, moths, grasshoppers, beetles and much more besides. This week we will be meeting in Bewdley so let’s hope that the weather

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18/07/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all I hope you are all enjoying the hot weather, it is usually a case of making the best of it whilst we can. I just need to clear up some confusion that arose at our outing to Harvington Hall last Tuesday. It was initially announced that we would be meeting in Bewdley this

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11/07/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Summer can be a challenging time to get our best images. Days of strong sunshine can lead to contrasty images especially during the middle of the day – usually not ideal. Also, if you’re someone who likes nice moody early morning shots, you have to set your alarm very early. It really has

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04/07/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Please excuse the brevity. The weather has been kind for our outings recently. We had a pleasant wander in Alcester last week and the prospect of a good night in Bromsgrove this week.  I have also heard that there was a good outing to Tewksbury yesterday. We have definitely got our appetite back

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27/06/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all We may be competing with the football but our Tuesday evenings are proving to be a hit. The portrait evening at Avoncroft Walled Garden was well attended. The mentoring scheme worked well and it was a chance to learn more about Depth of Field, camera metering, differential focusing and much more. Our main

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20/06/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all It may be a grey day today, but the sun certainly shone on us this week, especially for our summer outing on Tuesday at Jenny Webster’s garden. What a great evening and once again thanks to Jenny and everyone else who worked so hard to make it a successful evening. Please remember, we

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11/06/2021 Vocal Point

Hi All Vocal Point is early this week, and there is a very important reason for that. You will have received an email from Jenny Webster informing you about Tuesday 15 June. Jenny has very generously offered the use of her gardens for nature, model and general photography. This promises to be a great opportunity

11/06/2021 Vocal Point Read More »

06/06/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Summer is here in more ways than one, and for Bromsgrove PS that means that our Tuesday evening outings start in earnest. This week we will be meeting at Droitwich – look out for more details from Mike Norton following shortly. These evenings are a great time to get new ideas from other members. It

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