Author name: Tony Hawksbee

31/05/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Sorry to be a bit late this week We returned last night from a visit to our daughter in London. It is just so good to do some normal things again. Well done to everyone who received an award in our annual awards night last week. The first half was especially good with […]

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23/05/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all I’m sending this from a wet, cold and windy Cornwall on a mobile phone, so I will be very brief. Some marvellous stormy seas to shoot but impossible to keep the gear dry. Better forecast tomorrow I believe.  What a great final print competition last Tuesday. Well done everyone who entered and congratulations

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16/05/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all On Wednesday a number of us had a very enjoyable outing to Cotswolds Wildlife Park. The weather was kind, the animals were largely cooperative and the socially distanced company was excellent. It was an excellent return to near normality and a chance to top up the image reserves which are running low for

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09/05/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all We are rapidly approaching the end of this season with only 3 meetings left. On Tuesday we are running our AGM on Zoom – an important time to reflect on the highs and lows of the preceding year and present our plans and ambitions for the year ahead. It has been a year

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02/05/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Our first nature outing to Coughton Court this week was a huge success. We have already seen some stunning images of bluebells and other subjects in our social media feeds. The advantage of a large site such as Coughton Court meant that members could meet in small groups complying with current restrictions. Our

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25/04/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all It was a pleasure to see Julian Elliotts presentation this week with images from Mongolia. We rarely see images from this part of the world and it was absolutely fascinating. Julian’s presentation style went down well with the membership. In his career as a professional travel photographer he has images from around the

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18/04/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Well done to all our competition entrants in the Annual Novice Print and PDI competition. We had a large entry with an abundance of quality entries – congratulations to all the successful images. It has been a very successful week for some of our members. Peter Young can now add Hon PAGB to

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11/04/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all We were thoroughly entertained by Tony Gervis this week. We were shown an excellent set of images – and a world tour into the bargain – accompanied by Tony’s generous advice and top tips. Yet again an excellent evening with one of our own members. This week we are down to the serious

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