Author name: Tony Hawksbee

Blossom Watch – National Trust

Hi everyone, I just wanted to draw your attention to this. The link is below. Regarding blossom, of course at the moment it is abundant but it is short lived. So don’t forget to get some close up images of the very different versions, but also try the wider mass image which can also […]

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04/04/2021 Vocal Point

Happy Easter everyone I know that for many of you, Easter marks the most important time of the year. This year it also seems to mark the change from a year of tragedy and major changes to our lifestyles, to the promise of better times to come. We can all hope for better times ahead whilst

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28/03/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Judging by the feedback that has been received this week, the presentation from Phil Savoie this week ranks as the best that many of our members have seen. Phil presented some stunning images and lots of helpful advice and tips – all done in such a relaxed and friendly manner. Over the last

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21/03/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all I think that we can all agree that we saw some very special images from Tony Worobiec this week. His Seascapes and Coastscapes had a unique quality to them. There was one important take home message for everyone – there’s always an image there. The conditions may not fit with your original plans, so

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14/03/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all Congratulations to everyone who participated in the PDI set subject competition “Frames” last Tuesday. As ever, the standard of photography was high with a wide range of interpretation of the subject matter. Also, congratulations to seven members who had acceptances at Basingstoke CC National open with a total of 22 images being accepted. Congratulations

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07/03/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all It has been another eventful week for Bromsgrove PS. The results are in from Midphot and Southport National Open Exhibition. Many members had numerous acceptances and we even picked up a couple of awards along the way – including a Gold Medal for Julie Hall. The results have been posted on our Facebook

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28/02/2021 Vocal Point

Hi all There seems to be a lot to cover this week but first off, many thanks to Andy Kent for a very entertaining presentation last Tuesday. He showed us an eclectic mix of images with lots of helpful tips and back stories. Our programme has produced many gems this year. We continue to do well

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