Author name: Webmaster

This, That and the Other

Hi All,Well last week was a bit different, some mixed feedback from good fun to frivolous. It was the first time we have done a “so different” competition, lessons were learned so first my apologies to those who thought their images were unfairly judged  but most importantly congratulations to all those who took part and […]

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This, That and the Other

Hi All, Has everyone changed their clocks back and enjoyed the extra hour in bed. Cold though, methinks Winter might be on its way. Interesting session last Tuesday with Christopher Bradbury. He broke the evening up into two parts firstly he showed us his creative imagery which have won him so many prestigious awards and

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This, That and the Other

Hi All, If you read nothing else, we are back at our normal venue in the main hall at Avoncroft Arts Centre this coming Tuesday. See you there. Few bits and pieces going on, let’s start with last week which was our first monthly print competition. I thought the quality of work was excellent and

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Early Sessions Information

Hi, Some members have asked for a bit more detail on the early session (7.00 to 7.45 pm) tonight. In this seasons early sessions, Tony Gervis, who as well as an FRPS is  an intrepid traveller and cruise lecturer on photography. He will,over the coming weeks, be covering many different aspects of photography from portrait

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This, That and the Other

Hi All, A massive thank you to Tony Gervis, last week’s guest speaker. Not only did we see some amazing landscapes with almost unbelievable light quality and colour (now we know what we are missing as we hug the blankets and sleep through this most majestic early morning time). However the American theme also covered

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This, That and the Other

Hi All, Well it’s difficult to establish if our new temporary venue at Avoncroft Museum worked or not as last week being a Studio evening is always chaotic even at the best of times.  However before moving on to this coming week I would like to thank Colin Close, Don Campbell, Tony Frier, Linda Allen

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1st PDI Monthly Winners 2018/19

  1st Monthly PDI Competition 2018/19.         Novices Colour.           First Now You Listen to Me Pauline Grainger Second Here’s looking at you Linda Allen Third The rat catcher Sue Davis Highly Commended Setting sun at Worcester Sheila Billingham Highly Commended Kiss Me Quick Julie Bridgwater Commended Diglis

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This, That and the Other

Hi All, First and most importantly we are having to change venue THIS TUESDAY and for at least the next three weeks due to our normal hall being closed due to major roof work. We are therefore using an alternative venue at the Avoncroft Museum of Building. We will be using their Long Room which

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This, That and the Other

Hi All, A big thank you to Dave Riddle and David Jellie for sharing their expertise with the editing programmes ‘Fast Stone Image Viewer’ and ‘Affinity’. Both programmes offering a lot of possibilities to give a little tweak to an image you are already fairly happy with. Alternatively they also give the scope to take

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This, That and the Other

Hi All, I have been informed by several members I may have caused some confusion with my reminder of resolution sizes for the PDI Competition in my newsletter. What I should have said is that the height should be no more than 1200 pixels and the width no more than 1600 pixels. I  suggest you

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